Our Junior Forest Warden adventure for the weekend was to teach the kids how to make a quinzee. A quinzee is a snow shelter built out of a pile of snow, snowdrift or snowbank. If you don't have a natural snow pile of some sort to work with, you need to make one first and let it sit for at least 2 hours before digging it out. One of our Forest Warden families has a farm and offered to make us a few snow piles in one of their fields. This dad also has quinzee making experience so he helped lead this activity. He made the piles the day before. We were a little bit worried about the weather and how it might affect the building of our quinzees. It was above zero the day before and the day of our building. Quinzees work best with fresh snow and below freezing temperatures. We were worried that the snow wouldn't hold together and be too wet or would be a solid block of ice on the inside of the pile. It turned out very well though an...